Family Prayerbooks: General Children's Prayerbooks |
![]() Thank You, G-d! : A Jewish Child's Book of Prayers By Judyth Groner and Madeline Wikler, |
A first prayerbook for young children, with 21 traditional prayers in simple Hebrew, transliteration and English. Blessings for a new day, bounty of our food, Sabbath, and holiday rituals.
Haas' finely worked watercolors evince a sense of serenity, as though echoing one of prayer's purposes. The morning sun highlights the silhouettes of two awakening children; parents' heads bend in a sheltering posture over the children with whom they are welcoming Shabbat; the havdalah candle's broad flame reflects from the faces of youngsters transfixed by its flare. Children catching fireflies and decorating a succah are among the other tenderly painted images that frame the blessings and prayers, which are printed in Hebrew block letters, with a Roman alphabet transliteration and an English translation below. In addition, brief, explanatory notes often place the prayers within a relevant context for youngsters. This thoughtfully prepared book not only teaches the blessings that herald the holidays and that welcome and close each day and each meal, but also includes parts of the Mi Sheberach and the Kaddish, prayers to turn to as needed when a loved one is ill or has died or when praying for peace. There is surprisingly little duplication between this and Edwards' "Blessed Are You: Traditional Everyday Hebrew Prayers". |
![]() Sweet Words to G-d: A Child's Book of Jewish Prayers By Rabbi Arnold Goodman, |
The Jewish home is called a mikdash me'at, a mini sanctuary. While
the synagogue experience is treasured and an important component of the
Jewish religious life, the home is where early memories are formed and
basic attitudes about God, prayer, and community begin to take shape.
In a charming illustrated volume, Rabbi Arnold Goodman of Atlanta's Ahavath Achim Synagogue has compiled short prayers for Jewish children to learn at home on a range of subjects. One section offers everyday prayers to help them give thanks for daily blessings, such as a warm bed and food to eat. Another has prayers for special occasions, including giving thanks for a new toy or expressing affection for a family member or pet. A third section provides prayers of solace for times of sorrow or sadness. The final sections honors Jewish holidays such as Passover and Yom Kippur. Rabbi Goodman also offers insight on the importance of prayer for children and gives suggestions of how to teach them to pray in a way that will be spiritually rewarding. This indispensable little book is the perfect companion for every small child. |
![]() With All Your Heart: A Weekday Prayer Book By the Minneapolis Jewish Day School |
With All Your Heart: A Weekday Prayer Book is the culmination of a multi-year project at The Minneapolis Jewish Day School (MJDS) to develop a new t’filah (prayer) curriculum. At MJDS, students are taught that t’filah is a mode of expression in which we seek to explore the meaning of life within a Jewish context. It is a process where we grapple with and reflect on the eternal questions of living and our personal relationships with God. Students are taught concepts found in each prayer and how they are relevant and meaningful to our daily lives.
With All Your Heart: A Weekday Prayer Book is educationally appropriate for readers age 7 and above. The new English translations are intentionally written in a way that children and adults alike can understand and find meaning. All language referring to God is gender neutral. The Hebrew text is clear, bold, with a large sized font. Furthermore, close attention has been made in the way the Hebrew is laid out. Each line of Hebrew text is divided in such a way to reflect the syllable patterns and rhythm structure of the way the prayer is commonly recited in many communities. This helps the reader pause when appropriate and makes it more readable. ![]() ![]() |
![]() The Bedtime Sh'ma By Sarah Gershman |
You shall say these words...when you lie down and when you rise. This beautiful adaptation of the Kriat Sh'ma al ha Mitah, The Bedtime Sh'ma invokes traditional nighttime blessings of peace and protection and recalls the wonder of our waking hours.
![]() Gates of Wonder A Prayerbook For Very Young Children By Howard Bogot, Robert Orkand and Joyce Orkand |
This is the first official prayerbook for young children ever produced by the Reform
Movement. Intended for pre-school children through six years of age, Gates of
Wonder is beautifully and sensitively illustrated by award-winning artist Neil
Waldman. Children will be drawn to the charming text; its educational and
entertaining qualities make it fun to read. They will find rainbows, night and day,
the fascinating differences found in people, Shabbat and Torah. As young children
enter the Gates of Wonder they will experience a world of beauty, a world
of mystery and the enduring world of Jewish prayer.
This book is one of the best I've ordered so far. The writing is in large bold print and there are only a few sentances per page, so it holds a toddler's attention. There is a great message and the illustrations are adorable. Great children's book! |
![]() The God Around Us : A Child's Garden of Prayer |
How do we teach children about God and prayer? How can we as
parents and teachers help children recognize life's many moments of
wonder? In this revised edition of her classic work, Mira Brichto connects
timeless poetry and simple prayers with the sensibilities of the modern world.
This enchanting picture book engages preschool children and kindergarteners
with poetry that connects the world around them to the appropriate blessings
in Hebrew and English. With dazzling, vivid illustrations, a child's world
becomes animated with bright falling stars, sunny celebrations, and rainbow
bridges. This is a stunning book that reveals the "God around us" in the
everyday world. It is a wonderful teaching tool for both educators and parents.
![]() Artscroll Children's Siddur |
Your youngsters are 4,5,6 years old. They are just beginning to daven and you want them to enjoy the "Siddur experience" -- because you know that if they love it when they are little, they will appreciate davening more and more as they get older and more mature. This Siddur was compiled by Shmuel Blitz, in consultation with master teachers. It has the basic prayers with which children begin their lives. The translations and instructions are on their level. And they'll be fascinated by all the "Did you Knows" and "Closer Looks". (So will you!) And Tova Katz's illustrations! They are lovely and enticing. They'll keep children coming back to this Siddur again and again. We know it will get heavy, heavy use -- that's why this Siddur has a strong binding and a stain-proof cover. If you have a child, a grandchild, a niece or nephew, or you want to see a big smile on a little face -- get them this Siddur. It is great investment in a youngster's future!
This is a superb choice for an everyday siddur for young children. Large text and bright illustrations make the prayers accessible to children. Bubbles filled with "Did you Know?" trivia and "A Closer Look" will further engage children to probe further into the meaning of each prayer. This siddur is geared towards an Orthodox audience, so egalitarian families may not be comfortable with pictures of women behind the mechitza. An excellent resource to engage children in tefillah. |
![]() Blessed Are You : Traditional Everyday Hebrew Prayers |
Thirteen brief prayers in Edwards's translations, which she uses with
her own children, plus the original Hebrew and a transliteration, all
appearing on versos elaborately bordered with a vine-like motif that
echoes the Hebrew script and also incorporates appropriate symbols
-- e.g., for the prayer beginning, "G-d, grant us peace and goodness,''
Edwards includes a dove, a rainbow, and a menorah. Rectos display
full-bleed mixed-media art depicting a family of three children engaged
in everyday activities that might occasion the prayers--eating,
celebrating together, playing with their parents, looking at the night sky.
The bright, harmonious colors and the warmth and energy of the design
bespeak a productive, loving, and devout family.
![]() Where Does Food Come From? A Bracha Discovery Book By Dina Rosenfeld |
At the heart of mastering the blessings on food is understanding the origin of each type of treat. This unique picture book details the growing and processing of bread, grape juice, baked goods, fruits vegetables and more! Now, toddlers can understand how familiar favorites appear on their plates . . . and who gets a "thank you!"
![]() The Family Prayerbook: Holidays & Festivals By Sheldon Zimmerman |
Ideal for Family Services at Reform congregations. The beautiful poetry is accompanied by evocative illustrations.
![]() When a Jew Prays By Seymour Rossel |
Children discover the sights and sounds of Jewish worship in this lucid explanation of prayer and the Jewish values it represents. A step-by-step tour through the basic prayer service, with significant passages shown in both Hebrew and English.
![]() My Blessings for Food |
The ideal "table book" for children contains
Bircas HaMazon with simplified translation and
blessings for all foods. Illustrated in full color by
Michael Horen. Sturdy, stain-resistant cover.